WIFT-AT is thrilled to have many talented industry professionals join us at the WIFT Making Wave Conference this year.
Check out our incredible lineup of speakers and panellists below.
Each year, Women in Film and Television - Atlantic (WIFT-AT) attracts a wide range of highly skilled and talented writers, producers, actors, filmmakers, and other industry professionals at the top of their game to lead a selection of not-to-be-missed panels, case studies, spotlight conversations, and workshops at our annual WIFT Making Waves Conference. Not only do they have a wide scope of expertise and experience, these creatives come to the WIFT Making Waves Conference from far and wide.
WIFT-AT is thrilled to have these talented individuals join us in celebrating the progress achieved for gender minorities working in film, television and screen-based media. Keep reading to learn about this year’s instructors, panellists, speakers and moderators.